2020 - Volume 4

ISSUE no. 1


Editorial, William Chiaromonte



The Right to Migrate and the Migrants’ Rights. A Challenge to (Inter)National Constitutionalism still to Be Overcome
Tecla Mazzarese


Control of national borders and refoulement in international law and sea law
Irini Papanicolopulu and Giulia Baj


The Communication to the International Criminal Court on European leaders’ responsibility for crimes against humanity in the Mediterranean and in Libya. A critical analysis
Alberto Pasquero


Preserving rights of residence in times of Brexit 
Alessandra Lang


The child's best interests to family reunification between state sovereignty and the Dublin III regulation
Michela Castiglione


Non-nationals Access to Public Employment
Simona D’Antonio



Interoperability between EU databases on third-country
Giandonato Caggiano


From the criminalization to the justification of search and rescue activities at sea. The latest interpretative trends in light of Vos Thalassa and Rackete cases
Carol Ruggiero


Migration detention camps in Lybia: the case of Osman Matammud
Giulia Mentasti


Overview of European case law
(1 September 2019 – 31 December 2019)
European Court of Human Rights 
Court of Justice of the European Union


Overview of Italian case law


European observatory
(1 September 2019 – 31 December 2019)


Italian observatory
(1 September 2019 – 31 December 2019) 


Reviews and research materials


ISSUE no. 2


Editorial, Giulia Perin and Guido Savio
Refusal of entry and controls at internal and external borders in EU law
Alessia Di Pascale
The Right to Asylum and other Constitutional Limits to Refoulement
Filippo Scuto
The case S.S. and Others v. Italy in the framework of the externalization of borders to Libya: some observations on the possible scenarios before the Court of Strasbourg
Anna Fazzini
The Constitutional Fallouts of Border Management through Informal and Deformalised External Action: The Case of Italy and the EU
Elisa Olivito
Foreigners, administrative procedure and participatory guarantees
Annamaria Bonomo
Credibility assessment of the applicants for international protection between the culture of suspicion, intuitions, and ethical dilemmas. Some considerations based on qualitative research on the modus operandi of the Italian Territorial Commissions
Fabio Quassoli, Cristina Uboldi
Does the security-decree prevent «Dublin transfers»?
Marco Magri
The banality of closing ports by decree
Andrea Maria Pelliconi, Marco Goldoni 
Alternative measures to withdrawal and defensive guarantees: comment on judgment no. 280/2019 of the Constitutional Court
Guido Savio
Overview of European case law
(1 January 2020 – 30 April 2020)
European Court of Human Rights 
Court of Justice of the European Union
Overview of Italian case law
European observatory
(1 January 2020 – 30 April 2020)
Italian observatory
(1 January 2020 – 30 April 2020) 
Reviews and research materials
Review to: Paolo Morozzo della Rocca, Il ricongiungimento con il familiare residente all’estero. Categorie civilistiche e diritto dell’immigrazione, Torino, G. Giappichelli Editore, 2020, by Anna Cattaruzzi



ISSUE no. 3


Editorial, Monia Giovannetti



Chronicle of a regularisation in time of health emergency: genesis, purposes and limits.
William Chiaromonte, Madia D’Onghia
Labour, migration policies and exploitation: the condition of migrant workers in agriculture
Carlo Caprioglio, Enrica Rigo
Migratory routes and pandemic. How emergencies have changed
Michela Tuozzo
The right of asylum and its multiform (non) implementation
Francesca Rescigno
The accelerated procedures for the determination of international protection: analysis of the art. 28-bis of the Legislative Decree n. 25/2008
Noris Morandi
A small step forward on “safe” third Countries, and a worrying leap backwards on the detention of migrants at the border. Comment on the ECtHR Grand Chamber ruling in Ilias and Ahmed v. Hungary.
Cesare Pitea
The decision M.N. and others v. Belgium in the light of X and X: a confirmed restraint from the Courts or a new momentum for European legal entry channels?
Fabrizia Camplone
Detention in transit zones and inadmissibility of asylum applications. The European Court of justice and borders procedures
Erika Colombo
The subsequent applications for international protection: short remarks in light of the regulatory changes introduced by the Decree-law 113/18 and the Decree-law 130/20
Cecilia Pratesi


Overview of European case law
(1 May 2020 – 31 August 2020)

European Court of Human Rights 

Court of Justice of the European Union


Overview of Italian case law


European observatory
(1 May 2020 – 31 August 2020)


Italian observatory
(1 May 2020 – 31 August 2020) 


Reviews and research materials

Review to: Luca Masera, Immunità della politica e diritti fondamentali. I limiti all’irresponsabilità penale dei Ministri, Torino, Giappichelli , 2020, by Giovanni Tarli Barbieri