2018 - Volume 2

ISSUE no. 1


Editorial, Marco Balboni 


The Interaction between EU and Member States’ International Agreements Concluded with Third Countries to Face Irregular Migration
Federico Casolari
The reform of the Dublin system: a laboratory for solidarity experiments
Laura Rizza
Humanitarian protection in the Italian legal system
Nazzarena Zorzella
Europe and migrants: for a dignified freedom (not only religious)
Nicola Colaianni
The Islamic veil in the European legal context. The reasons of a conflict
Roberto Mazzola
The deferred refoulement adopted by the police commissioner after the judgment n. 275/2017 of the Constitutional Court
Paolo Bonetti
If an Identifiication and Expulsion Centre does not work appropriately, the image of the local community is affected…
Fulvio Cortese
Collective discrimination for nationality and legitimacy to act by associations in the case of denial of the allowance for the family unit to third-country nationals
Mariagrazia Militello
Overview of European case law
(1 September 2017 – 31 December 2017)
European Court of Human Rights 
Court of Justice of the European Union

Overview of Italian case law


European observatory
(1 September 2017 – 31 December 2017)
Italian observatory
(1 September 2017 – 31 December 2017
Reviews and research materials
Review to: Aniel Pahladsingh, Jim Waasdorp, Crimmigration Law in the European Union (The Return Directive and the Entry Ban; The Return Directive: Return Decision and Detention), con la prefazione in italiano di Marco Balboni, Bologna, Filodiritto, 2017, pp. 436.


ISSUE no. 2


Editorial, Paolo Bonetti 


A first phenomenology of hotspots in the light of constitutional law
Marco Benvenuti
Legal access routes to international protection in the European Union: initiatives and (insufficient) results in the European asylum policy
Francesco Luigi Gatta
The ineffectiveness of humanitarian policies aimed to remove the "side effects" in the context of outsourcing with particular attention to resettlement. The need for effective and binding legal access routes
Cristina Laura Cecchini, Giulia Crescini, Salvatore Fachile
Irregular immigration and rights protection: the Australian case of offshore detention centers
Davide Bacis
The exclusion for non-merit, the reasons of safety and danger, the principle of non refoulement and the permit of stay for humanitarian reasons
Patrizia Papa
The psychic health and the therapeutic work with refugees and asylum seekers with serious traumatic experiences
Paola Castelli Gattinara, Antonio Onofri



Solidarity obligation and loss of values. (Comment to the Court of Justice EU, Grand Chamber, 6 September 2017, Joined Cases C‑643/15 e C‑647/15, case Slovak Republic andHungary v. Council of the European Union)
Laura Rizza
The Muslim Ban of President Donald Trump after the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States of America
Livia Santoro
Overview of European case law
(1 January 2018 – 30 April 2018)
European Court of Human Rights 
Court of Justice of the European Union
Overview of Italian case law
European observatory
(1 January 2018 – 30 April 2018)
Italian observatory
(1 January 2018 – 30 April 2018)
Reviews and research materials

ISSUE no. 3


Editorial, Luca Masera


The contribution of the European Union to the international governance of the mass flows of refugees and migrants: ideas for a critical re-reading of the Global Compacts
Daniela Vitiello
The Orlando-Minniti reform one year after its entry into force.The many doubts and the few certainties in the practises of specific sections
Maria Cristina Contini
The “Yellow-Green Government” regards of Islam: the legacy of the XVII legislature
Alessandro Ferrari
Condemned but protected from expulsion. An intersection between criminal law and international protection
Alberto di Martino e Barbara Occhiuzzi
Entry visas denied to spouses: powers of the diplomatic authorities and cultural diversities
Ornella Fiore 



The permit of stay for humanitarian reasons after the judgment of the Supreme Court of Cassation n. 4455/2018

Eugenio Castronuovo

The changes introduced by Legislative Decree 22 December 2017, n. 220 on the protection of unaccompanied foreign minors and the procedure of examination of the application of international protection
Noris Morandi
Denial of refugee status for reasons of public order, espulsion and family ties: what balance. Comment to the Court of Justice EU,Grand Chamber, 2 May 2018, Joined CasesC-331/16 e C-366/16, cases K. c. Staatssecretaris van Veiligheid en Justitie (C-331/16), and H.F. c. Belgische Staat (C-366/16)
Giuseppe Sciascia
Same-sex marriages and the right to free movement of European citizens with their family members: observations on the case Coman v. Romania of the Court of Justice, Simone Penasa
The judgments of the Constitutional Court 106, 107 and 166 of 2018: free movement and illegitimacy of the requirements of long-term residence for the access to housing and social benefits
Alberto Guariso
Overview of European case law
(1 May 2018 – 31 August 2018)
European Court of Human Rights 
Court of Justice of the European Union

Overview of Italian case law


European observatory
(1 May 2018 – 31 August 2018)
Italian observatory
(1 May 2018 – 31 August 2018)
Reviews and research materials
Review to: Cristina Cattaneo, Marilisa D'Amico (a cura di), I diritti annegati. I morti senza nome del Mediterraneo, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2016, pp. 128, by Elena Caruso