2017 - Volume 1

ISSUE no. 1

Editorial, Cecilia Corsi
The “refugee crisis” as a challenge for the legal system and the institutional legitimacy
Daniel Thym
Austrian Asylum Law
Ulrike Brandl
Law and practice of the asylum in France
Julian Fernandez
The reception of asylum seekers: unique system or parallel worlds,
Simone Penasa
The victims of trafficking in the international protection procedures.  What measures for an effective coordination between protection and assistance systems?
Francesca Nicodemi
The two Memoranda of Understanding on the "humanitarian corridors" between some religious organizations and the Government and their possible impact on asylum and immigration policies
Paolo Morozzo della Rocca
Country of Origin Information in the asylum procedure: increasingly relevant, yet still to be adequately considered,
Elisa Busetto, Alessandro Fiorini, Elisa Pieroni, Silvia Zarrella
The duties of cooperation of the judge upon evidence acquisition and evaluation,
Maria Acierno, Martina Flamini
Implementing the “Hotspot Approach” on the Greek Islands: Legal and Operational Aspects
Angeliki Papapanagiotou–Leza e Nikolaos Garipidis
Overview of European case law
(1 January 2016 – 31 December 2016)
European Court of Human Rights 
Court of Justice of the European Union
Overview of Italian case law
(1 January 2016 – 31 December 2016)
European observatory
(1 January 2016 – 31 December 2016)
Italian observatory
(1 January 2016 – 31 December 2016 ) 

Reviews and research materials 


ISSUE no. 2

Editorial, Chiara Favilli
Translated men. Rehearsals of dialogues with asylum seekers
Maurizio Veglio
The regulation of hotspots in the new Article 10 ter of the Legislative Decree 286/98: a missed opportunity
Carmela Leone
Eurodac and the limits of the law: when the right to the protection of personal data does not exist
Valeria Ferraris
The reception of asylum seekers: an inquire on public procurement procedures,
Flavio Valerio Virzì
Environmentally-induced migrations: what protection within the European and national legal system?
Anna Brambilla
The entry and the residence of immigrants through intra-corporate transfers and through transfers for investment: Legislative Decree 253/2016 of transposition of the Directive 253/2016 and Article 1, par. 148, Law no. 232/2016
Monica McBritton
Short remarks on the Law no. 47/17 (provisions concerning the measures for the protection of unaccompanied foreign minors): lights and shadows
Ciro Cascone
The suspension of the executive effectiveness of the ordinances concerning international protection following the presentation of the appeal,
Maria Mitola
Asylum seeker o irregular alien: if the border is in the silence. Comment to the Supreme Court of Cassation, Chamber VI-1, 24.2/3.5.2017, no. 10743
Dario Belluccio
The decision of the Supreme Court of Cassation about kirpan: “voce dal sen fuggita”? Short comparative remarks on the adhesion of the Court to the ideology of the “cultural diversity of immigrants”
Alessandro Simoni
Overview of European case law
(1 January 2017 – 30 April 2017)
European Court of Human Rights 
Court of Justice of the European Union
Overview of Italian case law
European observatory
(1 January 2017 – 30 April 2017)
Italian observatory
(1 January 2017 – 30 April 2017) 

Reviews and research materials 



ISSUE no. 3

Editorial, Mario Savino
Irregular immigration by sea, protection of human life and non-governmental organizations
di Irini Papanicolopulu
Solidarity, Smuggling and the European Refugee Crisis: Civil Society and its Discontents
Jennifer Allsopp
The new urgent provisions for the acceleration of the proceedings concerning international protection and for the fight against illegal immigration: an announced (counter)reform
Guido Savio
The European migration policy in the period 2017-2019: developments and perplexities,
Marco Borraccetti
Reflections along the lines of the “new” procedure for ascertaining the age of unaccompanied foreign minors pursuant Article 5, Law no. 47/2017
Ester di Napoli
Brief reflections on the Paris Summit of 28 August 2017: the management of migratory flows and "side effects"
Alessandra Algostino
The kirpan knife, the western values and the conflicting cultural archipelagos. On a recent judgment of the Supreme Court of Cassation 
Fabio Basile,  Mariarosa Giannoccoli
Personal laws v. state law. Reflections starting from the Indian Supreme Court ruling of 22 August 2017 on the triple repudiation
Deborah Scolart
Overview of European case law
(1 May 2017 – 31 Augustr 2017)
European Court of Human Rights 
Court of Justice of the European Union
Overview of Italian case law
European observatory
(1 May 2017 – 31 Augustr 2017)
Italian observatory
(1 May 2017 – 31 Augustr 2017)

Reviews and research materials