

The online Journal Diritto, Immigrazione e Cittadinanza (Law, Immigration and Citizenship) positions itself in continuity with the paper version, begun in 1999 and published by FrancoAngeli publishing house until 2016. Through a renewed commitment aimed at a labour of critical analysis of law pertaining to foreigners and the implementation thereof, the Journal has been online since 2017 with open access. The scholarly and juridical rigour which has always characterized the Journal and which is enhanced by a plurality of professional figures who form the Editorial Board is accompanied by a strong sense of values in defence of "rights, equality and integration respectful of diversity". As already in the paper version, in addition to Essays and Commentary, we publish Observatories on the principal normative developments on the European and Italian level, as well as Overviews of European and Italian case-law; finally, a Column is always devoted to reviews and to research materials. Steadfast in its approach, the Journal, become quarterly after switching to the online format, has endeavoured to accentuate its vocation for analysis and in-depth examination, both with the intent to contribute, above all from a legal standpoint, to an understanding of an increasingly more complex phenomenon, and with the ambition of acting as a laboratory for reflection and confrontation concerning law policies inspired by those values that our Constitution and international charters on human rights proclaim.



      Cecilia Corsi  (Univ. Firenze)


Editorial Board

Roberta Aluffi (Univ. Torino), Marco Balboni (Univ. Bologna), Matilde Betti (Judge, Bologna), Paolo Bonetti (Univ. Milano-Bicocca), Marco Borraccetti (Univ. Bologna), Annamaria Casadonte (Judge, Roma), William Chiaromonte (Univ. Firenze), Roberta Clerici (Univ. Milano Statale), Pier Luigi di Bari (Judge, Bologna), Alessia Di Pascale (Univ. Milano Statale), Chiara Favilli (Univ. Firenze), Martina Flamini (Judge, Milano), Monia Giovannetti (Head of Studies and Research Department, Cittalia), Luca Masera (Univ. Brescia), Bruno Nascimbene (Univ. Milano Statale), Massimo Pastore (Lawyer, Torino), Giulia Perin (Lawyer, Roma), Mariarosa Pipponzi (Judge, Brescia), Enrica Rigo (Univ. RomaTre), Mario Savino (Univ. Tuscia), Guido Savio (Lawyer, Torino), Alessandro Simoni (Univ. Firenze), Lorenzo Trucco (ASGI President), Nazzarena Zorzella (Lawyer, Bologna).


International Advisory Board

Mary Bosworth (Univ. Oxford e Univ. Monash), Jean-Yves Carlier (Univ. Cattolica di Louvain and Univ. Liège), Harald Dörig (Judge, Germania), Cristina Gortazar (Univ. Pontificia Comillas), Valeria Ilareva (lawyer, Bulgaria), Henri Labayle (Univ. di Pau e della Regione dell'Adour), Steve Peers (Univ. Essex), Daniel Thym (Univ. Costanza), Filipe César Vilarinho Marques (Judge, Portogallo), Bostjan Zalar (Judge, Slovenia).


Assistant Editors

Mauro Nicastro




Overview of European case law Marco Balboni, Marco Borraccetti
Overview of Italian case law:  
- deportation and detention Enrica Rigo, Guido Savio
- admission and stay Nazzarena Zorzella
- asylum and international protection Martina Flamini, Nazzarena Zorzella
- citizenship and statelessness Roberta Clerici
- family and minors Massimo Pastore, Giulia Perin
- non discrimination Mariarosa Pipponzi
- criminal aspects Pier Luigi di Bari, Luca Masera
European Observatory Alessia Di Pascale, Chiara Favilli
Italian Observatory Paolo Bonetti
Reviews and research materials Monia Giovannetti, Massimo Pastore

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© 2017-2023 Diritto, Immigrazione e Cittadinanza. Tutti i diritti riservati. ISSN 1972-4799
via delle Pandette 35, 50127 Firenze