
2022 - Volume 6

ISSUE no. 1


Editorial, Enrica Rigo
«As much as you believe yourselves absolved; you’re all, forever, involved»
Fundamental human rights in the context of the internal and external borders of the European Union
Matteo Astuti, Caterina Bove, Anna Brambilla, Amarilda Lici, Erminia S. Rizzi, Ulrich Stege and Ivana Stojanova
Soft readmission deals: a blank cheque for EU institutions?
Caterina Molinari
Humanitarian protection between past and future
Giacomo Travaglino
Immigration detention between "restriction" and "deprivation" of liberty: the ECtHR looking for Godot
Lorenzo Bernardini
Division between jurisdictions and immigration: critical notes on the idea of “jurisdictional
Giuseppe Tropea
Dubito, Ergo Iudico. The Methods of Assessing the Age of Unaccompanied Foreign Minors in Italy
Marco Benvenuti
Jurisdiction on the high seas: between attempted universality and consummated
Francesca Curi
Overview of European case law
(1 September 2021 – 31 December 2021)
European Court of Human Rights 
Court of Justice of the European Union
Overview of Italian case law


European observatory
(1 September 2021 – 31 December 2021)
Italian observatory
(1 September 2021 – 31 December 2021)
Reviews and research materials
Review to: Salvatore Strozza, Cinzia Conti ed Enrico Tucci, Nuovi cittadini.Diventare italiani nell’era della globalizzazione, Bologna, il Mulino, 2021, by Ennio Codini.



ISSUE no. 2


Editorial, Bruno Nascimbene


Citizenship by naturalisation and jurisdiction issues: looking for the rule of law
Chiara Cudia
The assessement of the intensity of clashes for the purpose of recognizing the subsidiary protection under article 15 letter c of the Directive 2004/83/CE
Antonio Guerrieri
What legal pathways for protection seekers in Europe? The European and Constitutional framework
Cecilia Siccardi
Which role for public actors in the private sponsorship of refugees? A reflection on the Italian experience in the light of the Canadian model
Luca Galli
The pre-entry authorisation procedures of non-EU citizens: what due process?
Giulia Del Turco
Equality at the Test of Migrations: The Development of Social Benefits for Foreigners before the Italian Constitutional Court
Erik Longo
Fraudolent statements and universal basic income: the illegitimacy in the subjective requirement of ten-year residence in Italy and their consequences on criminal proceedings
Patrizia Brambilla
The non-punishment principle of human trafficking victims. Challenge for the effectiveness of rights and logic of criminal intervention
David Mancini
Authentication of signature and certification of date are equivalent. The double burden related to the special power of attorney for the appeal in the Court of Cassation in matters of international protection under scrutiny by the Constitutional Court (commentary on ruling no. 13/2022)
Gianluca Famiglietti
Last stop for the rule of law: Croatia and the Balkan route, between Schengen, the European Union and the systemic human rights violations at borders
Francesco Luigi Gatta
Closed ports and open seas: the recent decision of the Gip of Agrigento on the Rackete case
Irini Papanicolopulu
The allowance for dependent children and the new Art. 41 of the Consolidation Act: the end of an Italian default, with a few steps back.
Alberto Guariso
The criminal trial of the foreigner: a brief commentary of the Cartabia reform
Linda Rosa
Overview of European case law
(1 January 2022 – 30 April 2022)
European Court of Human Rights 

Court of Justice of the European Union


Overview of Italian case law


European observatory
(1 January 2022 – 30 April 2022)
Italian observatory
(1 January 2022 – 30 April 2022)

Reviews and research materials

Review to: Camille Schmoll, Le dannate del mare. Donne e frontiere nel Mediterraneo, Pisa, Astarte edizioni, 2022, by Anna Brambilla.



ISSUE no. 3


Editorial, Lorenzo Trucco
The principle of non-refoulement and environmental migration: a legal analysis of regional protection instruments
Chiara Scissa
Towards the Reform of the Schengen Border Code: the internal borders put to the test of a new key role for informal readmissions
Emanuela Pistoia
The reform of the visa information system: hovering out the security needs of the Schengen area and the protection of visa applicants
Simone Marinai
Age assessment of asylum seekers in “second arrival” countries: in dubio prosoftware?
Luca Alessandria
It's easy to say special. Special protection two years after decree law 130/2020: a unitary institution still looking for a discipline, a residence permit that cannot fail to be convertible
Livio Neri
The legal status of foreign persons with disabilities. Research paths in the perspective of multiple discrimination
Giuseppe Arconzo
Unmarried couples and the right of residence of the foreign partner of an Italian or European citizen
Paolo Morozzo della Rocca
Domestic violence and conjugal rape in the laws of Bangladesh, Egypt, Morocco and Pakistan
Deborah Scolart
Facilitation of irregular immigration vs. smuggling of migrants: Is this dichotomy relevant to the interpretation of art. 12 TUI? (Reasoning about Constitutional Judgment No. 63/2022)
Alessandro Spena
Fundamental rights and distribution of jurisdiction. Comment on Cass. civ. S.U. 15.2.2022, n. 4873 about the right to health of asylum seekers hosted in the CAS
Nicoletta Vettori
Economic migration and highly qualified employment: Directive 2021/1883/EU
Monica McBritton
Overview of European case law
(1 May 2022 – 31 August 2022)
European Court of Human Rights 
Court of Justice of the European Union
Overview of Italian case law
European observatory
(1 May 2022 – 31 August 2022)
Italian observatory
(1 May 2022 – 31 August 2022)
Reviews and research materials

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