
2019 - Volume 3

ISSUE no. 1


Editorial, Nazzarena Zorzella


Registration in the vital statistic registry, dwelling, domicile and housing condition in the regulation for residence permit
Paolo Morozzo della Rocca


The finger and the moon. The protection of humanitarian needs of aliens before and after the Salvini Decree
Marco Benvenuti


The detention of aliens in the light of Law n. 132/2018
Donatella Loprieno


The mobile border of the reception of asylum seekers and refugees in Italy. Twenty years of policies, praxis and dynamics of balancing of the right to protection
Monia Giovannetti


Redrawing the border between “us” and “them”? Remarks on the revocation of citizenship
Elisa Cavasino


Aspects of intertemporal law in the Decree-Law n. 113/2018
Nicola Canzian


The impact of the so-called “security Decree” on civil process
Angelo Danilo De Santis


Volunteer guardianship in the framework of the EU initiatives and the new Italian law on unaccompanied minors
Alessia di Pascale and Chiara Cuttitta


The opinion of the Senate’s Committee for Immunities in the case Diciotti. Some remarks waiting the decision of the Senate’s assembly
Luca Masera


Communicative strategies about criminal investigations into smuggling of migrants. Sociological and legal annotations on press communications by judiciary
Alberto di Martino


The case Lodi and the solution of antinomies
Giuseppe Manfredi


The judgement of the Spanish Tribunal Supremo on the failed implementation of relocation: lessons from Spain?
David Moya and Andrea Romano


The immigration as structural data and not as emergency. Short remarks on the book of Michele Colucci, Storia dell’immigrazione straniera in Italia. Dal 1945 ai nostri giorni, Carocci, Roma, 2018
Alessandra Algostino
Overview of European case law
(1 September 2018 – 31 December 2018)
European Court of Human Rights 
Court of Justice of the European Union

Overview of Italian case law


European observatory
(1 September 2018 – 31 December 2018)
Italian observatory
(1 September 2018 – 31 December 2018) 
Reviews and research materials

Review to: Marie Mercat-Bruns, David B. Oppenheimer e Cady Sartorious (eds), Comparative Perspectives on the enforcement and effectiveness of antidiscrimination law. Challenges and Innovative Tools, Springer, 2018, by Venera Protopapa.



ISSUE no. 2


Editorial, Guido Savio


Citizens, immigrants and migrants, and the principle of solidarity
Antonio Ruggeri


The Denied Membership: Residency and its Meanings, between Interpretative Ambivalences and Political Conflicts
Enrico Gargiulo


Illicit intermediation and exploitation of labour: first reflections on the use of art. 603 bis of the Criminal Code
Chiara Stoppioni


Ius Linguae and Status Civitatis: Towards a New Paradigm of the Italian Citizenship?
Giammaria Milani


Translation of documents for foreign defendants: an unaccomplished right between legal uncertainty and jurisprudential resistance
Eleonora Di Molfetta


The right to asylum: a “suffering” right. The introduction in the Italian legal system of the concept of «Safe countries of origin» by the law n. 132 of 2018 that converts the so-called «Security decree» (decree law n. 113 of 2018)
Filippo Venturi


The Global Compacts on migrants and refugees: United Nations soft-law between sovranism and potential developments 

Giuseppe Cataldi and Adele Del Guercio



Civic access requests as instruments for democratic transparency regarding international agreements in simplified form
Valentina Pupo
The equality discourse: remarks on judgment n. 96/2019 of the Brescia Court of Appeal 
Francesco Rizzi


Overview of European case law
(1 January 2019 – 30 April 2019)

European Court of Human Rights 

Court of Justice of the European Union


Overview of Italian case law


European observatory
(1 January 2019 – 30 April 2019)


Italian observatory
(1 January 2019 – 30 April 2019) 


Reviews and research materials

Review to: Donatella Loprieno, Trattenere e punire. La detenzione amministrativa dello straniero, Editoriale scientifica, Napoli, 2018 and Donatella Di Cesare, Stranieri residenti. Una filosofia della migrazione, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, 2017, by Michela Tuozzo.

Proceedings of the Workshop on I primi orientamenti interpretativi del c.d. decreto immigrazione e sicurezza Salvini (Rome, 14th November 2018).



ISSUE no. 3


Editorial, Alessandro Simoni


Search and Rescue in Central Mediterranean between International Law and New (albeit Questionable) Qualifications of the Migration Phenomenon
Ilaria Tani


Border refoulement and deferred refoulement: assumptions, types and effects
Roberto Cherchi


Dublin System, “Scrooge-Like” Solidarity and the EU Law: Are There Viable Options to the Never-Ending Reform of the Dublin III Regulation?
Giuseppe Morgese


The rehabilitation for victims of acts of torture committed abroad: some reflections on Article 14 of the United Nations Convention against torture
Marcella Ferri


Public reception service and fundamental rights of asylum seekers. Profiles of illegitimacy of the reform set up by law decree n. 113/2018
Nicoletta Vettori


Integration as development's factor of local economy: analysis of an innovative project
Giovanni Calvellini


The end of the French «solidarity offense»?
Céline Chassang 



Loss of the nationality of a Member State and control of proportionality: the European perspective
Marco Borraccetti


Rome Civil Court's ruling of 21 February 2019 and the order to issue a LTV visa on humanitarian grounds under article 25 of the EU Visa Code: between legal politics and protection needs 
Eleonora Frasca


"Guilty" but Refugee, therefore not deportable. Notes to European Court of Justice, Judgment in Joined Cases, C-391/16, C-77/17 e C-78/17 (M/Ministerstvo vnitra, X e X/Commissaire général aux réfugiés et aux apatrides)
Donatella Loprieno


Non-citizens and social benefits: the Constitutional Court takes a step back and one sideways
Fabio Corvaja


Overview of European case law
(1 May 2019 – 31 August 2019)

European Court of Human Rights 

Court of Justice of the European Union


Overview of Italian case law


European observatory
(1 May 2019 – 31 August 2019)


Italian observatory
(1 May 2019 – 30 August 2019) 


Reviews and research materials

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