
2021 - Volume 5

ISSUE no. 1


Editorial, Martina Flamini


The New European Pact on Immigration and Asylum: severing ties with the past or not?
Marco Borraccetti
Turning point. The reform of the reception and integration system for seekers and holders of international protection.
Monia Giovannetti
The civil registration of asylum seekers after the decision n. 186/2020 of the Constitutional Court Nicola Canzian
Claimant’s declaration as a proof in international protection proceedings
Angelo Danilo De Santis
The revocation of citizenship after the security decree
Luigi Viola


Right to health and administrative discretion on the threshold of extraordinary reception centers
Stefano Rossi
Overview of European case law
(1 September 2020 – 31 December 2020)
European Court of Human Rights 
Court of Justice of the European Union


Overview of Italian case law


European observatory
(1 September 2020 – 31 December 2020)
Italian observatory
(1 September 2020 – 31 December 2020)
Reviews and research materials
Review to: Scuola di Barbiana, Lettera a una professoressa, edition in Arabica by Dimitris Argiropoulos, Parma, Athenaeum, 2020, by Giuseppe Faso

ISSUE no. 2


Editorial, Roberta Aluffi
The ministerial criminal responsibility in the light of constitutional principles and parliamentary practice. Legitimate prerogative or illegitimate privilege?
Tommaso F. Giupponi
The migrant crisis in the Central Mediterranean Sea: the search and rescue operations are not a pull factor
Carlo Amenta, Paolo Di Betta, Calogero “Gery” Ferrara
Re-bordering politics in pandemic times: «quarantine ships» in Italy and the access to the right of asylum
Chiara Denaro
The impact of measures to combat the pandemic on the legal status of migrants landed on Italian coasts: the case of «quarantine ships»
Guido Savio
The protection of private life as a limit to aliens’ removal: the implementation (and development) of the supranational obligations through the new special protection for social integration
Marcella Ferri
The new special protection introduced by the Decree-Law 130/2020.Between the principle of flexibility, administrative resistance and application problems
Nazzarena Zorzella
Practicing anthropological expertise in judicial processes of international protection. The anthropologist who plays anthropologist.
Giorgia Decarli
Immigration for work reasons in Ireland: between identity pressures and targeted choices
Lucia Busatta
The Report by the Council of Europe Commissioner for human rights on migration policies. Political and legal points
Maurizio Delli Santi
The extradition procedure. Preliminary issues and protection of human rights
Linda Rosa
The Shalabayeva case: a «crime against humanity». A comment on the judgment of 8 January 2020 Tribunal of Perugia 
Giulia Vicini
Overview of European case law
(1 January 2021 – 30 April 2021)
European Court of Human Rights 
Court of Justice of the European Union
Overview of Italian case law

European observatory
(1 January 2021 – 30 April 2021)
Italian observatory
(1 January 2021 – 30 April 2021)
Reviews and research materials
Review to: Francesca P. Albanese, Lex Takkenberg, Palestinian Refugees in International Law (2nd Edition), Oxford University Press, 2020, pp. 608, by Giuseppe Morgese.
Review to: Maria Eugenia Cadeddu, Migration Stories. Linguaggi, culture, identità, Roma, Carocci Editore, 2020, by Marco Accorinti.

ISSUE no. 3


Editorial, Paolo Bonetti

Reflections on human rights law as suitable instrument of complementary protection applicable to environmental migration
Susanna Villani
The Non Refoulement Principle in times of pandemics
Maura Marchegiani
Airport transit zones: definition, functioning and main concerns in the light of the practices
Annapaola Ammirati, Valeria Capezio, Giulia Crescini, Adelaide Massimi
From Theory to Praxis: Legal aid as Social Right for Foreigners
Antonello Ciervo
Permanent regularization mechanisms in Europe: a comparative perspective
Maria Chiara Locchi
«I couldn’t even say that I needed to go to the toilet» – A pilot survey on the right of unaccompanied foreign children to express themselves and to be heard
Amalia Amato, Gabriele Mack
«Participating migrants»
Tommaso Bertazzo
The Shalabayeva affair: the expulsion as a smokescreen for an extraordinary rendition. Criminal profiles
Laura Ricci, Antonio Vallini
Guarantees of information and participation of the applicant for international protection and limits to judicial review in the take-back procedure under Regulation (EU) No 604/2013. Note to the references for a preliminary ruling to the Court of Justice.
di Alessia Di Pascale
The 2020 regularisation: an early analysis
Vitaliana Curigliano, Francesco Mason
The new 2020 national SAR plan and rescue operations on the high seas, between operational practices and international law
Fulvio Vassallo Paleologo
Overview of European case law
(1 May 2021 – 31 August 2021)
European Court of Human Rights 
Court of Justice of the European Union
Overview of Italian case law

European observatory
(1 May 2021 – 31 August 2021)
Italian observatory
(1 May 2021 – 31 August 2021)
Reviews and research materials
Report on: La Tunisie entre la classification de «pays sûr» et la réalité d’un pays à la dérive, by Romdhane Ben Amor, Martina Costa
Review to: Migranti e lavoro, a cura di William Chiaromonte, Maria Dolores Ferrara e Maura Ranieri, il Mulino, 2020, by Barbara Pezzini

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via delle Pandette 35, 50127 Firenze